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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Coffee House Press

Coffee House Press

Founded: 1984
Founded by: Allan Kornblum
Location: 79 Thirteenth Avenue NE, Suite 110
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413
Titles/Circulation: 0


Coffee House Press is an internationally renowned independent book publisher and arts nonprofit based in Minneapolis, MN; through their literary publications and Books in Action program, CHP acts as a catalyst and connector--between authors and readers, ideas and resources, creativity and community, inspiration and action.

The mission of Coffee House Press is to publish exciting, vital, and enduring authors of our time; to delight and inspire readers; to contribute to the cultural life of our community; and to enrich our literary heritage. By building on the best traditions of publishing and the book arts, we produce books that celebrate imagination, innovation in the craft of writing, and the many authentic voices of the American experience.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Brian Evenson  • Kate Bernheimer  • Camilla Grudova  • Hilary Leichter  • Rikki Ducornet