The WWEnd Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge is a little different from other reading challenges you may have seen. The RYO is actually a whole group of unique reading challenges created by WWEnd members that you can pick from. As the name suggests, if you don't like what's on the list you can create your own challenge.
That's right, you create your own custom theme, determine your own requirements, and host your custom RYO reading challenge right here on WWEnd. What's more, you can share your challenge with other members, friends, family, reading groups, and even your own blog followers. They can use our BookTrackr™ tools to find and tag books for your challenge.
For more details on how the challenge works click the link below.
Help us spread the word about the challenge by posting a Roll-Your-Own badge on your blog!

Pick an Existing RYO Challenge
Take a look at the RYO reading challenges on our list and find one that's right for you. Each challenge has it's own theme, rules, requirements, and reading levels and you can join as many as you like throughout the year. Click the "Join this Reading Challenge!" button on the challenge page to signup and use our tools to find and tag books for your challenge! Keep in mind that there will be new challenges created all the time so if you don't find a challenge you like right now you can always come back later to see what new ones have cropped up.
Roll-Your-Own Challenge
If you can't find what you're looking for on our list you can Roll-Your-Own! You pick the theme, set the length and the rules, and determine the reading levels you want. You can roll as many as you like, and you can even mark your challenge as private if you want to use our BookTrackr™ tools to do your own thing. Your RYO challenge will reside on it's own page on WWEnd that you can easily share with your friends, family, and followers. Your page will include details about your challenge, a list of participants, stats, and a link to your blog. You can even create your own custom challenge logo to go on your page -- don't worry, we'll help you with the banner if you're not feeling too creative.
Add Books to Your Challenge List
Once you've picked or rolled your own challenge you need to add some books to your list. To do that search for a title you want to read. In the BookTrackr section on the novel page check "Add to My Reading List" then check the applicable challenges. The book cover will show in one of the numered slots for those selected challenges. It will display as faded until you come back later and tag that book as read.
Missing Books and Authors
If there is an author or book missing from our site that you need for your reading challenge let us know in the forums and we'll get 'em added. Only traditionally published science fiction, fantasy, and horror authors will be considered. We are not accepting self published/indie published authors at this time.
The Fine Print
- WWEnd reserves the right to reject any challenge themes that are in bad taste or offensive to others. Let's all play nice.
- You must be a WWEnd member to participate in the challenge. Join now for free!
If you have any questions, we have a Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge thread in the forums where you can get answers and chat with other participants. Challenge hosts can also start discussion threads for their challenges in the forums where you can ask challenge specific questions. Happy reading!