The Responsible Parties
Worlds Without End is a labor of love for a bunch of guys who didn't know what they were getting into when they started. This site has gone through many revisions, in both concept and scope, over the years to get it to the state in which you find it. There are many more changes planned for the future as well. Below you can read a bit about our team members. Keep an eye out for us in the forums.

Administrator (Dave Post)
Web Design & Graphics / Forum and Blog Administrator
Dave came up with the idea for Worlds Without End years ago as a way to keep track of the books he was reading. Many years passed and not much happened with the site cause "it all pretty much sucked." A few years ago he resurrected WWEnd and, against his better judgement, began to expand the scope and purpose of the site. Getting all his friends to join in the madness was (and still is) a bit like herding cats but the results have been very satisfying. Would he be happy to do it all over again? Well... no, not so much.

whargoul (Chris Wilhite)
Programming & Database Management
Chris Wilhite is the guy who makes it all work at WWEnd. If he's done his job properly the glory belongs to him. If he hasn't, you'll know where to point the wagging finger of shame. He's one of those "bald by choice" kind of guys that you'd probably hide your children from but he's alright. A fan of SF/F/H television and film, Chris is relatively new to the world of SF/F/H books. Try not to hold that against him.

icowrich (Rico Simpkins)
Outreach/Social Networking and Blogger
Rico is a jack-of-all-trades who can find an angle to exploit in a round room. (He thinks, therefore he schemes.) If you like your SF/F/H with a heavy dose of philiosophy he's the guy to talk to. He's the techno-geek putting together our blog and reviews user submitted content. He's a forum moderator so go to him with problems... not to Dave.
Uber Users
We're always working to improve WWEnd but there's just too much for us guys to do alone. We've come to rely on our Uber User volunteers who contribute their valuable time and help keep us honest.