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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Worlds Without End has an author page for every author in our database where you'll find their books, a brief biography, links to web sites and blogs, images and videos etc. That's over 3,200 authors to choose from!

Check out the Author Awards and the Top SF/F/H Authors list below or use the search at the top of the page to find your favorite authors. We even have a special page where you can find all our women authors in one place. Don't forget to check out our Featured Author and the Author Videos page where we have hundreds of interviews, readings and lectures for you to enjoy.

Author Awards

Top SF/F/H Authors

Below is a list of the top SF/F/H authors in the WWEnd database who have received at least 10 nominations across all the awards we cover.

1. Clive Barker Clive Barker 37 11 14 0
2. John Barnes John Barnes 40 6 11 0
3. Daryl Gregory Daryl Gregory 19 6 11 0
4. Glenda Larke Glenda Larke 12 10 10 0
5. Justina Robson Justina Robson 16 5 11 0
6. Peter Watts Peter Watts 19 5 11 0
7. Joe Abercrombie Joe Abercrombie 17 8 14 1
8. Emma Bull Emma Bull 14 4 10 1
9. Jonathan Carroll Jonathan Carroll 30 8 14 1
10. Becky Chambers Becky Chambers 7 5 12 1
11. Charles de Lint Charles de Lint 64 11 19 1
12. Stephen R. Donaldson Stephen R. Donaldson 25 6 11 1
13. Mary Gentle Mary Gentle 19 5 11 1
14. Alix E. Harrow Alix E. Harrow 8 3 10 1
15. Kameron Hurley Kameron Hurley 21 5 14 1
16. Nancy Kress Nancy Kress 86 7 14 1
17. R. A. MacAvoy R. A. MacAvoy 13 7 11 1
18. Jerry Pournelle Jerry Pournelle 46 6 10 1
19. Rebecca Roanhorse Rebecca Roanhorse 11 5 10 1
20. Tricia Sullivan Tricia Sullivan 10 5 10 1
21. Michael Swanwick Michael Swanwick 91 8 18 1
22. Sheri S. Tepper Sheri S. Tepper 40 11 17 1
23. Scott Westerfeld Scott Westerfeld 25 9 12 1
24. Elizabeth Bear Elizabeth Bear 66 10 11 1
25. Eleanor Arnason Eleanor Arnason 30 7 10 2
26. Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood 15 7 12 2
27. Iain M. Banks Iain M. Banks 18 9 14 2
28. Greg Bear Greg Bear 59 14 31 2
29. Robert Jackson Bennett Robert Jackson Bennett 14 7 10 2
30. Samuel R. Delany Samuel R. Delany 45 7 12 2
31. Nicola Griffith Nicola Griffith 13 4 11 2
32. Jon Courtenay Grimwood Jon Courtenay Grimwood 14 7 11 2
33. CaitlĆ­n R. Kiernan CaitlĆ­n R. Kiernan 41 3 11 2
34. Yoon Ha Lee Yoon Ha Lee 35 4 12 2
35. Maureen F. McHugh Maureen F. McHugh 29 6 10 2
36. James Morrow James Morrow 29 7 19 2
37. Nnedi Okorafor Nnedi Okorafor 29 7 16 2
38. Alastair Reynolds Alastair Reynolds 62 16 20 2
39. Adam Roberts Adam Roberts 46 10 16 2
40. Brandon Sanderson Brandon Sanderson 46 10 11 2
41. Robert Silverberg Robert Silverberg 219 12 27 2
42. Bruce Sterling Bruce Sterling 52 7 18 2
43. Lavie Tidhar Lavie Tidhar 56 7 14 2
44. Jeff VanderMeer Jeff VanderMeer 44 9 18 2
45. John Varley John Varley 38 9 17 2
46. F. Paul Wilson F. Paul Wilson 48 12 12 2
47. Peter S. Beagle Peter S. Beagle 40 6 10 3
48. Gregory Benford Gregory Benford 83 8 12 3
49. Michael Bishop Michael Bishop 56 8 15 3
50. John Crowley John Crowley 22 6 15 3
51. Philip K. Dick Philip K. Dick 67 9 14 3
52. Michael Flynn Michael Flynn 26 9 10 3
53. Elizabeth Hand Elizabeth Hand 33 11 16 3
54. M. John Harrison M. John Harrison 21 7 17 3
55. Nalo Hopkinson Nalo Hopkinson 21 6 15 3
56. Gwyneth Jones Gwyneth Jones 35 12 19 3
57. Amie Kaufman Amie Kaufman 15 9 10 3
58. Guy Gavriel Kay Guy Gavriel Kay 15 14 31 3
59. Mary Robinette Kowal Mary Robinette Kowal 29 6 14 3
60. Paul J. McAuley Paul J. McAuley 56 15 21 3
61. Jack McDevitt Jack McDevitt 41 15 20 3
62. Silvia Moreno-Garcia Silvia Moreno-Garcia 17 6 20 3
63. L. Neil Smith L. Neil Smith 22 12 12 3
64. Sean Stewart Sean Stewart 9 6 12 3
65. Charles Stross Charles Stross 50 17 32 3
66. Tade Thompson Tade Thompson 10 6 13 3
67. Sara Douglass Sara Douglass 20 11 11 3
68. Jane Yolen Jane Yolen 62 7 11 3
69. Roger Zelazny Roger Zelazny 80 13 16 3
70. Brian W. Aldiss Brian W. Aldiss 84 5 10 4
71. Poul Anderson Poul Anderson 166 19 26 4
72. Stephen Baxter Stephen Baxter 89 13 22 4
73. C. J. Cherryh C. J. Cherryh 95 20 27 4
74. Julie E. Czerneda Julie E. Czerneda 30 12 13 4
75. Fonda Lee Fonda Lee 10 6 11 4
76. George R. R. Martin George R. R. Martin 101 9 22 4
77. Garth Nix Garth Nix 34 13 19 4
78. John Scalzi John Scalzi 34 10 18 4
79. Juliet Marillier Juliet Marillier 23 12 13 4
80. Paul Tremblay Paul Tremblay 13 5 11 4
81. Sean Williams Sean Williams 41 18 19 4
82. Paolo Bacigalupi Paolo Bacigalupi 22 7 13 5
83. Susanna Clarke Susanna Clarke 4 3 15 5
84. Adrian Tchaikovsky Adrian Tchaikovsky 50 12 15 5
85. Cory Doctorow Cory Doctorow 44 12 20 5
86. William Gibson William Gibson 28 10 34 5
87. Robert A. Heinlein Robert A. Heinlein 57 10 19 5
88. Stephen Graham Jones Stephen Graham Jones 18 4 15 5
89. Ken MacLeod Ken MacLeod 33 15 38 5
90. Larry Niven Larry Niven 94 13 23 5
91. Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov 159 7 12 5
92. Catherynne M. Valente Catherynne M. Valente 49 8 16 5
93. T. Kingfisher T. Kingfisher 28 9 14 5
94. Martha Wells Martha Wells 27 5 10 5
95. Robert Charles Wilson Robert Charles Wilson 29 14 31 5
96. Charlie Jane Anders Charlie Jane Anders 29 6 11 6
97. Jay Kristoff Jay Kristoff 18 11 14 6
98. Ian McDonald Ian McDonald 55 18 35 6
99. Michael Moorcock Michael Moorcock 108 9 12 6
100. Frederik Pohl Frederik Pohl 120 7 18 6
101. Geoff Ryman Geoff Ryman 28 10 18 6
102. David Brin David Brin 32 10 24 7
103. Ramsey Campbell Ramsey Campbell 46 18 19 7
104. Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke 56 4 12 7
105. Graham Joyce Graham Joyce 16 14 22 7
106. Patricia A. McKillip Patricia A. McKillip 30 18 26 7
107. Naomi Novik Naomi Novik 21 5 14 7
108. Christopher Priest Christopher Priest 26 10 19 7
109. Peter Straub Peter Straub 30 12 19 7
110. Vernor Vinge Vernor Vinge 23 6 20 7
111. Joe Haldeman Joe Haldeman 51 7 15 8
112. N. K. Jemisin N. K. Jemisin 27 8 29 8
113. Tim Powers Tim Powers 36 11 29 8
114. Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett 67 21 27 8
115. Neal Stephenson Neal Stephenson 19 8 28 8
116. Jo Walton Jo Walton 24 11 22 8
117. Ann Leckie Ann Leckie 17 6 24 9
118. Gene Wolfe Gene Wolfe 90 23 51 9
119. Lois McMaster Bujold Lois McMaster Bujold 45 15 34 10
120. Orson Scott Card Orson Scott Card 79 14 29 10
121. Kim Stanley Robinson Kim Stanley Robinson 59 19 53 10
122. Connie Willis Connie Willis 52 8 24 10
123. Robert J. Sawyer Robert J. Sawyer 31 22 41 11
124. Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman 57 8 26 12
125. Stephen King Stephen King 100 37 53 12
126. Dan Simmons Dan Simmons 33 15 31 13
127. Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula K. Le Guin 95 21 36 14
128. China MiƩville China MiƩville 16 9 42 16

Complete List of Authors