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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Hogarth Press

Hogarth Press

Founded: 1917
Founded by: Leonard and Virginia Woolf
Titles/Circulation: 0


The Hogarth Press was a British publishing house founded in 1917 by Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf. It was named after their house in Richmond, in which they began hand-printing books.

During the interwar period, the Hogarth Press grew from a hobby of the Woolfs to a business when they began using commercial printers. In 1938 Virginia Woolf relinquished her interest in the business and it was then run as a partnership by Leonard Woolf and John Lehmann until 1946, when it became an associate company of Chatto & Windus. "Hogarth" is now an imprint of The Crown Publishing Group, part of Random House Inc.

As well as publishing the works of the members of the Bloomsbury group, the Hogarth Press was at the forefront of publishing works on psychoanalysis and translations of foreign, especially Russian, works.

Works in the WWEnd Database





Authors Published

• Muriel Jaeger  • Jenni Fagan  • Mariana Enriquez  • Chandler Smith  • Namwali Serpell   • Michael Christie  • Hermione Eyre  • Sara Taylor  • Margaret Atwood  • Adeline Woolf  • Michel Faber