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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

World Weaver Press

World Weaver Press

Founded: 2011
Founded by: Eileen Wiedbrauk & Elizabeth Wagner
Alburquerque, New Mexico


World Weaver Press, LLC is an independently owned and operated publisher of fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction currently based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We believe that publishing speculative fiction isn't just printing words on the page -- it's the act of weaving brand new worlds.

We believe in great storytelling. We believe in challenging genre boundaries and engaging the fundamental human drive to tell stories that resonate emotionally. The way we do this is by partnering with great writers to craft and edit the best fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction stories possible. By creating beautiful, well designed paperbacks and ebooks. By growing their publicity. And by fostering a family of authors and editors excited to work with us.

Works in the WWEnd Database





Authors Published

• Sarena Ulibarri