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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Amor Vincit Omnia

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Amor Vincit Omnia

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Author: K. J. Parker
Publisher: Subterranean Press, 2014
Night Shade Books, 2011
Prime Books, 2011
Subterranean Magazine / Online, 2010
Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Co-op, 2010
Series: The Empire

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Book Type: Novelette
Genre: Fantasy
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This novelette originally appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #45, May 2010, and was reprinted in Subterranean Magazine, Summer 2010. It was anthologized in The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Five (2011), edited by Jonathan Strahan and The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2011, edited by Rich Horton and collected in Academic Exercises (2014).

Read the full story for free at Subterranean Online.


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