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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Heritage of Hastur

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The Heritage of Hastur

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Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley
Publisher: DAW Books, 1977
Series: The Darkover Series: Book 9
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction / Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Science-Fantasy
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Kennard Alton made the choice to marry a half-Terran, half-Aldaran woman. His two sons, Lewis and Marius, as a result are unable to fit into the Six Domains of the Comyn, the renegade "Seventh Domain" of Aldaran, or the world of the Terrans. This, in turn, leads Lew to his participation in the infamous Sharra Rebellion.

Meanwhile, the orphaned Regis Hastur is caught between following his heart and going on one of the Terran starships, and doing his duty to his grandfather and his family by taking his place in the Comyn Council and marrying. In the end, Lew's desire to break away from family and tradition leaves him closer than ever to his father, even as he wishes he could blame his father for leading him into the tragedy of the Sharra Rebellion.


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The Heritage of Hastur

- Brett72
The Heritage of Hastur

- spoltz
Progressive and problematic, like MZB herself

- couchtomoon


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