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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Bears Discover Fire and Other Stories

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Bears Discover Fire and Other Stories

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Author: Terry Bisson
Publisher: Tor, 1993

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Book Type: Collection
Genre: Science-Fiction
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From the gentle fantasies that include the wry title story--winner of both the Hugo and Nebula Awards--to ecological allegories; a horrific novelette about experimental excursions into the realm of death; and a first-contact mini-epic, this anthology showcases the wide range of Bisson's powerful talent. In every piece, Bisson's characters are just as absurd as their fantastic landscape, yet thoroughly ordinary, recognizable, and authentic. His pack of scientists, artists, rednecks, insurance salesmen, astronauts, truck drivers, owlish British gentlemen, and others will stay with you like your best friends and quirkiest relations.

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