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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Book of Elsewhere

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The Book of Elsewhere

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Author: Keanu Reeves
China Miéville
Publisher: Del Rey, 2024

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Weird (SF)
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(8 reads / 5 ratings)


She said, We needed a tool. So I asked the gods.

There have always been whispers. Legends. The warrior who cannot be killed. Who's seen a thousand civilizations rise and fall. He has had many names: Unute, Child of Lightning, Death himself. These days, he's known simply as "B."

And he wants to be able to die.

In the present day, a U.S. black-ops group has promised him they can help with that. And all he needs to do is help them in return. But when an all-too-mortal soldier comes back to life, the impossible event ultimately points toward a force even more mysterious than B himself. One at least as strong. And one with a plan all its own.

In a collaboration that combines Miéville's singular style and creativity with Reeves's haunting and soul-stirring narrative, these two inimitable artists have created something utterly unique, sure to delight existing fans and to create scores of new ones.


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