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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

We All Died at Breakaway Station

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We All Died at Breakaway Station

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Author: Richard C. Meredith
Publisher: Ballantine Books, 1969

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Military SF
Hard SF
Space Opera
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When race survival teetered in the balance...

Captain Absolom Bracer, with an artificial brainpan and synthetic eyes. Astrogation officer Gene O'Gwynn, a lady with a plastic face. Weapons officer Akin Darby and Communications officer Miss Cyanta, both with assorted prosthetic parts.

These were the officers of the Iwo Jima, one of the two heavy battle-cruiser starships protecting the vast cumbersome Rudolph Cragston, a hospital ship returning to Earth with thousands of wounded in cold sleep.

These brutally injured officers had been restored to temporary, artificial life to do this job because no intact man or woman could be spared from the main conflict.

But then Breakaway Station, a vital link with Earth, was suddenly threatened..


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We All Died at Breakaway Station

- Adele1967


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