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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Doom of the Green Planet / Star Quest

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Doom of the Green Planet / Star Quest

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Author: Dean Koontz
Emil Petaja
Publisher: Ace Books, 1968

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Book Type: Omnibus
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Star Quest

In a universe that had been ravaged by a thousand years of interplanetary warfare between the star-shattering Romaghins and the equally voracious Setessins, there seemed now but one thing that might bring the destruction to an end. That would be the right catalyst in the hands of the right people. The right catalyst could well be the individualist rebel, Tohm... he who had once been a simple peasant and who had been forcibly changed into a fearfully armored instrument of mechanical warfare--the man-tank Jumbo Ten. But the right people? Could they possibly be the hated driftwood of biological warfare--those monsters of a cosmic no-man's land--the Muties?

Doom of the Green Planet

Save a life and it is your responsibility. Save a world and it is yours to protect forever. Such was the geasa of Diarmid Patrick O'Dowd, ex-starman. He had himself called down destruction on the Green Planet by destroying its creator and undermining its guiding Song. Now he must shield it from the aspirations of the next star-wanderer to set down on its lush fairy-tale landscape. For without its special "god" it would mean the end of that wonder world of swordsmen and sorcerers... and Diarmid himself had now to play that omnipotent role - even though he was but a marooned pilot and his opponent was the massed power of an organized stellar federation.


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Doom of the Green Planet / Star Quest

- b-rad


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