Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: gallyangel
Subterranean Worlds: A Critical Anthology
The bizarre idea that the earth's interior is hollow and, perhaps, even populated has been put to effective literary use by writers ranging from Edgar Allen Poe and Jules Verne to Rudy Rucker and Edgar Rice Burroughs. This notion had respectability as a scientific hypothesis until the early 1800s, and the theory that the earth "is hollow and inhabitable within" continues to find believers as an alternative description of the earth to this day.
The hollow earth is one of the most important settings in the literature of the imagination that fed into early science fiction. Subterranean Worlds presents a fascinating look at the theme of the hollow earth and its history, as well as the geological theories which produced many of these stories. It excerpts key passages from the major subterranean world fictions, some translated into English for the first time. With helpful introductions to each selection and a comprehensive bibliography, this book is the definitive treatment of this entertaining topic.
- A Bluffer's Guide to The Underworld: An Introduction to the Hollow Earth
- Theories and Descriptions of the Inner Earth, from Kicher to Symmes
- Relation D'Un Voyage Du Pole Arctique Au Pole Antarctique
- Lamekis ou les voyages extraordinaries d'un Egyptien dans la terre interieure
- The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground
- The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins
- A Voyage to the World in the Center of the Earth
- L'aventurier Francois
- L'Icosameron
- John Cleves Symmes Jr. and Symzonia
- Collin de Plancy: Voyage au centre de la terre
- Edgar Allen Poe and "the Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym"
- Jules Verne: Voyage au centre de la terre
- After Verne: Later Developments
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