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Priest and other vampire considerations
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Posted 2012-04-14 1:56 AM (#3174)
Subject: Priest and other vampire considerations

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
Yes, I know Priest was panned by critics, but I find it a relative decent effort. Vampires should be mean, evil bloodsucking and menacing, nothing to be romanticised or even liked If Priest is evidence of current vampire literature, then I should be investigating the sub-genre a little morw. Can anyone suggest some decent efforts about vampires? And no, I don't want to read Meyer!
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Posted 2012-04-15 6:47 PM (#3177 - in reply to #3174)
Subject: RE: Priest and other vampire considerations


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

You know, I kinda liked that movie too but we're certainly in the minority on that.  It had good bones, even if as a whole, it didn't live up to the potential.

As for books, I don't usually go for vampire fiction but I recently read The Greyfriar by Clay and Susan Griffith and quite enjoyed it.  It's a steam punk novel and the combination of dirgibles and vampires piqued my interest.  The world building was quite clever and really appealed to me.  In 1870 the vampires organized, came out of hiding, where they had been secretly building their numbers for years, and waged war on the human population.  They took over northern Europe and America with massive brutality and bloodshed costing millions of lives and forced mankind to retreat southward.  The Griffith's vampires can't tolerate the heat, it makes them lethargic, and otherwise strips them of their natural strength advantage.  Below the equator man rebuilds and plans to re-take the north using their advanced technology.  The vampires can't be bothered with technology.  They're too busy tending their flocks of people, described in gruesom detail, and fighting each other clan to clan, also gruesome.

The book is fast paced and packed with some cool set pieces and some interesting characters and the vampires are old-school evil killers as they should be.  No sparkle at all.  The authors really paint a grim picture of life under and amongst the vamps that feels right to me.  There are times the story falls victim to cliche but I gave those moments a pass because I liked the story overall.  You'll have to forgive the inevitable romance between the human princess and the noble vampire of letters and the thinly drawn man of action (think "American" Gaston from Disney's Beauty and the Beast) determined to save her if you want to get through it but it's handled well enough.  There are many roll your eyes moments but there is plenty of vampire ass kicking to compensate.  Nothing deep here but the world is well realized and the story zips along at a fine clip so you don't have to invest too much time to enjoy what is a rhomping good read.

We've got an excerpt that you can read and a book trailer too that will give you a feel for the book.  The excerpt starts out with a bang and hooked me right away.  It's what I would call a guilty pleasure read and will certainly entertain if you're in the right frame of mind.

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Posted 2012-05-02 11:26 AM (#3194 - in reply to #3177)
Subject: Re: Priest and other vampire considerations

Uber User

Posts: 64
Location: Dallas, TX
We have a ton of books tagged "Vampires":

The original Dracula is a fine start to the subgenre, and later novels like Interview with the Vampire and Salem's Lot aren't bad, either.
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Deven Science
Posted 2012-05-03 11:07 PM (#3202 - in reply to #3174)
Subject: Re: Priest and other vampire considerations

Uber User

Posts: 202
Location: Sacramento, California
I haven't seen Priest, for two reasons:

1) It got panned.
2) Legion, which looks similar in tone and budget, was awful, awful, awful.

A good movie that made vampires straight up scary and unromantic again was 30 Days of Night. Those vamps were scary good.
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Posted 2012-05-13 3:42 AM (#3214 - in reply to #3202)
Subject: Re: Priest and other vampire considerations

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
Thanks @jynnantonnyx I did that previously and only came up with a few books. The category has since then been expanded. I need to change my profile text a little to include my foray into the vampire empire. I'm still not looking to read vampire romance, though :-)

I've ordered The Grayfriar @Dave and here's hoping I'll enjoy it. Otherwise I'll just offer my copy as a prize for some future competition :-) I prefer my vampires to be grim creatures, or of the literary kind, like Count Dracula. Vampires should represent our subconscious fears and evils, and not cast a reflection in mirrors! I would love to get my hands on the original Priest comic / mange / graphic novel. I can see how the story of the movie could work well in these formats!
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Posted 2012-06-06 12:45 AM (#3321 - in reply to #3214)
Subject: Re: Priest and other vampire considerations


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Emil - 2012-05-13 3:42 AM I've ordered The Grayfriar @Dave and here's hoping I'll enjoy it.

I look forward to hearing what you think!  I'm wavering on book 2 now.  Not sure I'll be going back into that world but if the mood strikes me again, maybe....

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