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World War Z movie vs. book
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Posted 2013-06-22 10:17 PM (#5342)
Subject: World War Z movie vs. book

Uber User

Posts: 369
Location: Middle TN, USA
I just got back from seeing "World War Z", and I must say I was pleasantly suprised by the movie. I was prepared to be mad
and and sadden by this movie I have been waiting over 2 years to see. Was it Max Brooks' vision of zombies, well no. But it was a damn good zombie movie. I was able to point to several parts of the movie that were taken from the book. Notably the discussion of how Israel survived the zombies and how they were able to wall up their country so fast.
Now a lot has been made about the "Fast Zombies" in the is movie, and yes it does go against Max Brooks vision of how Zombies move. Mr. Brooks makes it quite clear that zombies move in the shuffling, slow moving manner know to zombifiles as "Ramero Type". FYI fast moving zombies became known as "28 Days Later Zombies", even though those were not zombies in the movie, but were rage infected virus suffers. But I digress.
Even though this was not really an accurate portrayal of Max Brooks vision. I still feel the movie was excellent as it was. I would recommend it zombie fans.
What was your thoughts on the film?
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Posted 2014-11-21 9:16 PM (#8907 - in reply to #5342)
Subject: Re: World War Z movie vs. book


Posts: 10
See the movie, cause it was fun.
The book is 100% better.
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Posted 2015-12-20 5:51 AM (#12167 - in reply to #8907)
Subject: Re: World War Z movie vs. book


Posts: 17
Location: Oslo, Norway
Yes, i agree. Book is good, movie is fun. But i do feel that if the movie had another name, i would not recognize it as an adaptation, there are so many fundamental changes to the movie, like sprinting zombies. It changes the dynamics of the whole zombie apocalypse.
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