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Star Trek
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Posted 2007-03-24 1:33 PM (#189)
Subject: Star Trek


Posts: 288
Location: Irving, TX
Yes, indeed. JJ Abrams (Lost) is doing the next Trek, and it features Kirk as a cadet at Starfleet Academy.

Prior to that, I'd heard that Matt Damon was going to be cast as Kirk, but I would imagine they'll be getting someone else if he's a cadet (Damon is 34, Kirk would have to be 18-19).

Still, man, this could be good.
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Posted 2007-03-24 2:27 PM (#203 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
sounds interesting! the best thing about this story line for me is they can't bring any original cast into it unless they get nimoy and tell us vulcans always look that way...

were are you getting your info? would like to read up on it.

- dave
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Posted 2007-03-24 7:18 PM (#205 - in reply to #203)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 288
Location: Irving, TX
There is an excellent article about it on wikipedia:

Here's the poster (click on it to get an even larger version):


Edited by icowrich 2007-03-24 7:41 PM
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Posted 2007-03-25 12:37 AM (#209 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 148
Love the poster! Frankly I'm glad they are dispensing with aging actors of the previous Treks. Something new and fresh is what Paramont needs.
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Posted 2007-06-30 8:14 PM (#519 - in reply to #209)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 288
Location: Irving, TX
..and I'm glad you are being so frank.
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Posted 2007-06-30 10:55 PM (#525 - in reply to #519)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
rich is right! tell us how you really feel. don't hold back. even if it's something hard to talk about and might cause friction amongst your friends. get it off your chest....

- dave
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Posted 2008-11-17 2:38 PM (#1496 - in reply to #189)
Subject: RE: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 64
Location: Dallas, TX

The new trailer is up on in HD. This is the first time in a long time Trek has looked any fun.

We've still got 7 months before this thing gets released. In the mean time, treat yourself to some Shatner.

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Posted 2008-11-20 8:27 AM (#1499 - in reply to #1496)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
I agree. I think the new Trek might be fun. Hell, it might actually be good. When's the last Trek movie that was any good? Trek 4? Most have been total crap. they keep getting made because "Hey, it's Sci-Fi!" io9 has a frame by frame review of the trailer in case you missed it:

My concern for the new Trek is that it's more of the same but with slicker packaging. I'm sure I'll see it when it comes out though cause I'm a SF sheep just like the rest of you.

Why is The Shat baring his soul so much lately? Is he dying or something?

- Dave
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Posted 2008-11-20 10:09 AM (#1501 - in reply to #189)
Subject: RE: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 64
Location: Dallas, TX
Yeah, Trek 4 was probably the last enjoyable movie in the series. Trek 6 was watchable, but nothing special. I can barely even remember the Next Generation movies.

I look forward to Abrams' reinterpretation of Trek. He's very good at pop/pulp action stories, and I'm perfectly ok with him dropping the cerebral aspects of the original series in favor of fun. Honestly, I never found the philosophical ideas in the original series and Next Generation to be at all interesting or even particularly plausible.

One of these days I need to finish watching the DS9 series, which I'm told was written in part by the creator of the new Battlestar Galactica, and differs significantly from all other Trek series.
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Deven Science
Posted 2008-11-20 4:24 PM (#1503 - in reply to #1501)
Subject: RE: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 202
Location: Sacramento, California
I would agree with you for the most part about the Trek movies, but I really did like VI (The Undiscovered Country), and First Contact was one of my favorites, and the only one I liked from the Next Generation crew. I'm looking forward to the Abrams movie, but I'm not super excited.
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Posted 2008-11-20 8:35 PM (#1504 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
Hmmm. Trek VI was not as bad as some, I suppose. It had some good moments but I'm not sure I could watch the whole thing again. What I remember was everyone quoting Shakespeare all the time, including the Klingons, which got tiring and I think there must have been some kind of screen minutes quota for the original cast members. Every time something happened they would do a pan around the bridge to get everyone's reaction. Like when Kirk and Bones get sentenced to life in prison on Rura Penthe for the chancellor's murder:

que Chekov: "Rura Penthe!" (look of disbelief)
que Uhura: "Rura Penthe!" (look of horror)
que Scotty: "Rura Penthe. Better to have killed them outright than send them there." (look of grim resignation)
que Spock.....

On the plus side there was no Uhura fan dance to suffer through like in V... and Scotty did not run into a bulkhead. Though to be honest I wouldn't mind the new younger Uhura doing a fan dance

- Dave
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Posted 2012-07-31 2:43 AM (#3894 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
I wonder if this is worth it. The price seems right. Does anybody have some feedback? I'm particularly concerned about copyright watermarks on e-readers.

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Posted 2012-07-31 9:22 AM (#3895 - in reply to #3894)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Here's an in-depth review from that you might find helpful.  The review seems pretty positive but keep in mind that it's from 2008 and the technology has improved much since then.  Not sure how well it would hold up to today's standards.  I'd like to see it in person.

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Deven Science
Posted 2012-07-31 9:52 PM (#3897 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 202
Location: Sacramento, California
Hey Emil, it was about time to re-activate this thread anyway, as the principle photography is done with the new Star Trek sequel, and I liked the 2009 one enough to be excited for this one. It'll be interesting to see if Spock Prime makes an appearance or not.
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Posted 2012-08-02 3:09 PM (#3901 - in reply to #3897)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
Hi @Deven, can't say I'm a huge fan of the newer ST, but the gritty action sequences were pretty good. I'm one of those stern Trekkies that believed they could have done all that, and keep the original storyline. But being a Trekkie, I'll probably watch the next film anyway

I've ordered the digital comic collection. It's apparently quite good in HD on both iPad and Tablet. At that price I still think it's a steal.
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Posted 2012-10-06 11:24 AM (#4219 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 12
Location: WA
I loved it. I thought it was fun, and I liked the people they picked for the main characters. The new story line didn't bug me too much because these days, they futz with everything. I'm just glad they didn't make it too "slickhollywood." I can't wait for the next one.
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Posted 2012-10-07 3:21 PM (#4222 - in reply to #4219)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
I'm going right back to the beginning with James Blish's Star Trek 1 and 2.I had forgotten just how short these books are. Seven episodes covered in 137 pages! Nowadays it takes that long to introduce the characters!Just how many Star Trek books are there altogether anyway?.There must be many hundreds.
I still like the original series best,and havent been much of a fan of the films.My favourite episodes were City on the Edge of Forever,Arena, The ridiculous but fun Trouble With Tribbles,and of course my all time favourite,This Side of Paradise.40 odd years ago,and I still remember the shock of Spock swinging from a tree and smiling!

Edited by dustydigger 2012-10-07 3:42 PM
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Posted 2012-10-09 2:06 AM (#4226 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
@Marleana that's its saving's grace, not being too "slickhollywood".

@Dusty "Arena' is also one of my favs. Have you read the short story "Arena" by Frederick Brown. Strong, strong overtures of it in the ST episode. I do think that Brown was credited, but I may be mistaken. It has long been one of my favorite SF stories.
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Posted 2012-10-09 11:47 AM (#4227 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek


Posts: 26
You're right, Brown did get a story credit. From Wikipedia: "According to an account by Herbert Solow in the book Inside Star Trek, The Real Story, the relation to Brown's story may have been an unconscious inspiration. After [Gene ]Coon had written what he thought was an original script, Desilu's research department noted the similarity. It was therefore agreed that Desilu's Business Affairs office would call Brown and offer a fair price for the story, before it was shot and broadcast. Brown agreed without knowing that the story had already been written."
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Deven Science
Posted 2013-06-21 5:44 PM (#5328 - in reply to #189)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 202
Location: Sacramento, California
Hey, let's bring this thread back from the dead. What did you think of the new Star Trek into Darkness? I thought it was awesome fun. I really liked Benedict Cumberbatch as "John Harrison," and it was more great fun and action from JJ Abrams.

Yes, there were plot holes that you could pilot a star ship through, but it had me hooked enough for suspension of disbelief to help keep the guiding light shining brightly for me.
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Scott Laz
Posted 2013-06-21 7:14 PM (#5330 - in reply to #5328)
Subject: Re: Star Trek

Uber User

Posts: 263
Location: Gunnison, Colorado
I thought it was fun, too, but then made the mistake of thinking about it... Kirk with Daddy issues? Magic blood? Yet another post-9/11 message movie? To me, that's just not what ST is about. And I must be getting old, but the action sequences in films like this kind of make me feel like they're bludgeoning my brain with a mallet. But I liked the first one quite a bit better, and the ending of this one promised a return to the five-year mission, so if the next sequel gets back to exploring strange new worlds, I'll be back on board, as I do like the way they can keep us guessing about how this new timeline could play out.
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