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Battlestar Galactica marathon
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Posted 2012-05-25 5:31 PM (#3230)
Subject: Battlestar Galactica marathon

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
I never had the privilege to watch the complete BSG series (reimagined). So, if I fall behind in the GMRC or fail to comment on the blog, well, BSG is utterly absorbing

See you on the fragging other side
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Posted 2012-05-25 5:56 PM (#3232 - in reply to #3230)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon


Posts: 75
Location: Dallas, TX
Nice. I'm doing the same thing with Doctor Who, but I started where the series rebooted in 2005 and once I get current I'm going to go back and watch the older (old) episodes. At least, that's the plan - I've tried to watch older episodes before and could barely sit through them.
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Posted 2012-05-29 2:12 AM (#3241 - in reply to #3232)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon

New User

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Location: Earth
Katee Sackhoff as Starbuck and Mary McDonnell added real substance to the characterizations of the series. It was at times quite heartbreaking to see them make the choices they did, particularly in season 3. I made it all so much more real. I hope you survive the twists and turns, and shocking revelations.
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Posted 2012-05-29 3:45 AM (#3242 - in reply to #3241)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
So say we all, @Wilma
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Posted 2012-06-21 7:15 AM (#3429 - in reply to #3230)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
Well, Battlestar Galactica's conclusion was very disappointing. I feel robbed.
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Posted 2012-07-04 7:15 PM (#3579 - in reply to #3230)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon


Posts: 12
Just have to say, BSG is the best thing that ever aired on television. IMHO, the characters, plot, scope, story line, science and technology were nearly perfect! It is the only TV show I own the entire series of including that webisode. The ending, yea it was a but of a deflation, but it went perfectly with Ron Moore's favorite theme - "All of this has happened before and it will all happen again".
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Posted 2012-07-05 2:27 AM (#3583 - in reply to #3579)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
@Scary_Girl - despite the deflated ending, it is still one of the best series I've seen. I also have the whole collection, including the webisode. I'm a huge fan. Along with "Firefly" and "Space: Above and Beyond" and "Farscape" BSG is equally phenomenal. I even enjoyed "Caprica" for what it was.

"All of this has happened before and will all happen again"

Concluding like that, a lot more makes sense. My biggest gripe, though, is the re-appearance and disappearance of Starbuck. It just doesn't fit all that well. Was she supposed to be a Christ-like figure? That's all that makes sense to me, considering that she does actually "save" the humans. The show always had strong spiritual overtures, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I might have invested to much in the Starbuck's character
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Posted 2012-07-05 9:20 AM (#3595 - in reply to #3230)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon


Posts: 12
@Emil, Her disappearance was like being rubbed by sandpaper and then her reappearance was like being massaged with baby goose feathers.... Logically, it made no sense but just made for great entertainment. Yea, I had a serious girl crush on Starbuck. Christ-like...huh, I never made that connection, but you do have a point there.

I watched a few episodes of Caprica...but besides meeting the original Cylon, it didn't hold much water for me.

Nice signature quote by the way
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Posted 2012-08-28 1:30 PM (#4053 - in reply to #3230)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon


Posts: 92
Location: Boston, MA
spoilers, people!! :D

i'm marathoning through BSG now, just started the second season - it's an excellent show. firefly is now my second favorite sci-fi tv show.
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Posted 2012-08-31 3:33 AM (#4073 - in reply to #4053)
Subject: Re: Battlestar Galactica marathon

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
Oops, sorry about that @hihik. Come back after you marathon and give us your impressions. Enjoy!!
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