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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Gustavo Bondoni

Added By: SSSimon
Last Updated: SSSimon

Gustavo Bondoni

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Full Name: Gustavo Bondoni
Nationality: Argentinian


Gustavo Bondoni was born in Argentina, which, he believes, makes him one of the few - if not the only - Argentinean fiction writers writing primarily in English. He moved to the US at the age of three because his father worked for a multinational company that bounced him around the world every three years. Miami, Zurich, Cincinnati. He only made it back to Buenos Aires at the age of twelve, by which time he was not quite an American kid, not quite a European kid, and definitely not Argentinean! His fiction spans the range from science fiction to mainstream stories, passing through sword & sorcery and magic realism along the way, and it has been published in fourteen countries and seven languages to date.

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