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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

G. P. Putnam's Sons

G. P. Putnam's Sons

Founded: 1838
Founded by: George Palmer Putnam, John Wiley
Titles/Circulation: Unknown


In 1838, George Palmer Putnam and John Wiley formed "Wiley and Putnam" in New York City. The publishing firm prospered, and Putnam opened a branch office in London three years later, an innovative move for an American publishing company at the time. The partnership with Wiley ended in 1848, but continued to do a robust business, and in 1872, the firm was renamed "G.P. Putnam's Sons." Putnam's focussed on publishing popular illustrated titles. Putnam's was purchased by the Penguin Group in 1996, and is now a pair of imprints: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, and G.P. Putnam's Sons Hardcover.

Works in the WWEnd Database






Authors Published

• Damon Knight  • Frank Herbert  • Robert Heinlein  • Harry Harrison  • Dean Koontz  • Marie Lu  • John Laumer  • Clifford Simak  • Philip Farmer  • Jefferson Sutton  • Katie Wilhelm  • Brian Aldiss  • Jennifer McKinley  • Edward Plunkett  • Stephen Donaldson  • Eugenia Sutton  • Marlys Millhiser  • William Gibson  • Dan Simmons  • Terence White  • Gordon Dickson  • Bill Ransom  • Dennis Jones  • Christopher Farnsworth  • Gardner Dozois  • Ursula Le Guin  • William Kotzwinkle  • James Blish  • Astrid Scholte  • Melissa de la Cruz  • Michael Johnston  • Maureen Johnson  • Curt Siodmak  • Ayana Gray  • Maureen Kilmer  • Amanda Joy  • David Yoon  • John Pritchard  • Janet Morris  • Frank De Felitta  • Renee Ahdieh  • Kim Liggett  • Raphael Lafferty  • Max Barry  • Henry Piper  • Peter Dickinson  • Stephen King  • Gene Wolfe  • Barry Malzberg  • John Yancey  • William Pronzini  • Laini Taylor  • Alma Katsu  • Abraham Merritt  • Vladimir Nabokov  • Richard Meredith  • Terry Goodkind  • Arthur Machen  • Francis Wilson  • Charles Harness  • Harlan Ellison  • Karel Capek  • Leonard Knapp  • Richard McKenna  • Brian Herbert  • Dacre Stoker  • Richard Heldmann  • Thomas Sweterlitsch  • Polly Shulman  • Edwin Arnold  • Edmund Cooper  • Edward Ferman  • Edward Bryant  • John Camp  •  Ctein  • Robert Mills  • Katharine Mosse  • Thomas Disch  • Robert Silverberg  • Joanna Russ  • Karen Fowler  • Anne McCaffrey  • Poul Anderson  • Roger Zelazny  • Philip Dick  • Peter Straub  • Jean Bruller  • James Schmitz  • Elizabeth Lynn  • Theodore Thomas  • John Williamson  • Norman Spinrad  • Charles Platt  • Keith Roberts  • James Ballard  • Theodore Sturgeon  • Andrew Neiderman  • David Fisher  • William Prochnau  • Nikita Gill  • Sherri Smith  • Susan Barker  • Susan Power  • Chloe Benjamin  • Jonathan Barker  • Zach Powers  • Natalie Parker  • Leonard Wibberley  • William Hudson  • Kat Cho  • James Sallis  • Richard Wilson  • Donald Barthelme  • Sabaa Tahir  • Traci Chee  • Erika Holzer  • Charles Nutt  • Brendan DuBois  • Jeff Greenfield  • Meg Howrey  • David Gerrard  • Holly Jones  • Mason Coile  • Nick Newman