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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Gateway Trip

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The Gateway Trip

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Author: Frederik Pohl
Publisher: Del Rey / Ballantine, 1990
Series: The Heechee Saga: Book 5
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: First Contact
Space Exploration
Hard SF
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(35 reads / 6 ratings)


The Heechee were perhaps the greatest and most tantalizing mystery the human race had ever known. The first Heechee artifacts were uncovered on Venus, and in the beginning they were treated as nothing more than costly souvenirs and curiosities for tourists from Earth and Mars. But when an asteroid stocked with autonavigating spacecraft was discovered, suddenly the Heechee universe was thrown wide open, giving birth to the Gateway Corporation and bringing untold riches to the adventurers who risked the unknown to see where those Heechee spacecraft would take them. Many of those brave souls never returned. The ones who did brought back technological wonders that transformed life on Earth -- but of the Heechee themselves there was no sign...

The Gateway Trip, lavishly illustrated by artist Frank Kelly Freas, presents the tales of those perilous journeys and marvelous discoveries, as those intrepid pioneers followed the trail of the elusive Heechee and changed the course of human history forever!


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