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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Fonda Lee

Added By: valashain
Last Updated: Slinkyboy

Fonda Lee

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Full Name: Fonda Lee
Born: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: Canadian


Fonda Lee writes science fiction and fantasy for teens and adults. ZEROBOXER (Flux/Llewellyn, April 2015) is her debut novel.

Enamored with science fiction and fantasy from an early age, Fonda wrote her first novel, about a dragon on a quest for a magic pendant, in fifth grade during the long bus ride to and from school each day. Many years later, she cast her high school classmates as characters in her second novel, a pulpy superhero saga co-written with a friend by passing a graphing calculator back and forth during biology class. Fortunately, both of these experiments are lost to the world forever.

Fonda is a long-time, avid martial artist in karate and kung fu. She goes mad for smart action movies (think The Matrix, Inception, and Minority Report). She loves a good eggs benedict. A corporate strategist by training, Fonda has advised or worked for a number of Fortune 500 firms (including a certain global sports company). ZEROBOXER is inspired by all of these things, except the eggs benedict.

Born and raised in Calgary, Canada, Fonda has lived in Toronto, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Portland, Oregon--the city she and her family now call home.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works



 1. (2025)


 1. (2017)


 2. (2018)

 The Green Bone Saga

 0. (2023)
 0. (2022)
 1. (2017)
 2. (2019)
 3. (2021)