Song of Time

Ian R. MacLeod
Song of Time Cover

An Authentic Feeling Apocalypse

Birgitte SB

I highly reccommend this book as tale of a dramtically altered world where much remains the same. Particularly human nature. Most of these sorts of tales try to keep the protaganist either at the center of the apocalypse or else near clueless as to how they all got loaded in a handbasket. Here the apocalypse is brought to our protaganist by news reports and witnessed by TV. She knows the details and without being there when her world is changed. She is repeatedly faced with the fact that she has been worrying about the wrong problem without ever learning the lesson. Which is seems all too real. The literary style might turn-off pure genre readers, but this book now replaces The Doomsday Book as the first SF book I would reccomd to the ladies at Book Club.