Throne of the Crescent Moon

Saladin Ahmed
Throne of the Crescent Moon Cover



The book feels like Young Adult to me, and the Arabian Nights setting feels mainly as window-dressing for what is a simple, typical fantasy adventure. That's a bit of a shame, because I had my senses set on a different book, wanting to enjoy the magic of being transported to an unknown, original, challenging other world.


The characters do what they need to do, and it's always clear what they need to do. Found an ancient scroll? Go to the scroll translator! Got a wound? Go to the healing magus! Need to tell a lie to save the retreat of a dubious character that actually is a Robin Hood? Lie! He went left, not right! As a reader, I never thought "what would I do?"


Read my full review on Weighing A Pig Doesn't Fatten It: