Bob the Book

David Pratt
Bob the Book Cover

Bob the Book


In "A Glossary of Literary Terms", M. H. Abrams defines the beast fable as a short story or poem where animals talk. It is a form of allegorical writing where human behaviors and weaknesses are scrutinized by reflection into the animal kingdom. So what do you call a book about a book that talks to other books? A book fable. You see, Bob is a gay book, i.e. a book that is attracted to other books of the same gender. He falls in love with Moishe, but a calamity separates them. Through purchases and resellings, he begins a search to find Moishe. On his way he meets Angela, a widowed book, and Neil, a gay book that survived a book burning in Alabama. Together they reflect on life, relationships, and discrimination through their adventures as they pass from owner to owner. Sometimes, they can even talk to humans. Simply said, it's a delight.

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