The War of the Worlds

H. G. Wells
The War of the Worlds Cover

The War of the Worlds


I had forgotten how fun serials are to read- you're guaranteed some sort of action in every chapter. The urgency of this story is wonderful and I think it can no longer be replicated in modern adaptations due to the advancement of our knowledge of the solar system. For the audience of this novel the possibility of these aliens arriving from Mars was very real and immediate. The same way we wonder today if aliens could suddenly appear out of deep space or communicate with us via radio waves, situations that would be unsettling and disruptive because while they seem no more real than stumbling upon a dragon they could happen tomorrow.

Plus I have always loved the ending in which which humanity survives due to a quirk of alien physiology rather than humanity triumphing against all odds in the face of technological superior beings which is the standard Blockbuster sci-fi storyline.

Overall a quick classic science fiction novel that I think everyone would enjoy.