Artemis Fowl

Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl Cover

Artemis Fowl


Artemis Fowl is a nostalgic read for me, I read it as a kid, and again at some point in my teenage years. It's quite good for a middle-grade book flipping some of the norms of the genre on its head. Namely, the main character is a villain. I love the writing style of Colfer, he's just a bit over the top sometimes and it's funny. Everyone's characters are dramatized a little too much, as is normal for younger age-targeted novels, but because the plot is strong and the characters are unique enough it ends up working. I especially love Foley and always have, his wittyness has always amused me as I'm sure it has for many other readers.

I do wish the fairies weren't so human-like. I find it hard to discern anything but cultural differences as an adult. It would be cool if they had a completely different feel, but then again you would complicate things in a way that might lead to confusion for the younger targeted audience.

- Let's hope bio-bombs are never made reality

- If you knew you could get away with it, how far would you go for millions?

- Butler would be a great bagpipes player