Lest Darkness Fall

L. Sprague de Camp
Lest Darkness Fall Cover

Lest Darkness Fall


OK. I had a little trouble rating this. I started with a three and slowly worked up to a four by the end. I like the change in the time travel scenario. It more aligns with my thinking. So, you have the well known paradox of time travel in that if you change something in the past, you alter the entire current concept of the future. What if it works more like this: Time is a trunk of a tree. Each possible future is a branch. Any past change in the timeline provides a new twig or branch while the old branch goes on as before. This provides for an infinite web of possibilities and alternate realities. Thinking of time travel in this way makes some of the standard issues and complexities easier to swallow.

This novel is older. Some of the wording and flow is more difficult to read for me. Also, the numerous names and places involved are unfamiliar and trying. For some of our socially aware, some of the ideas will prove offensive (slavery, treatment of women, tobacco, etc.) I would just say, if these ideas offend you while reading an older piece of literature then quit reading entirely. You will always find an idea that is offensive no matter how current and enjoyment will elude you.

The pace picked up at the end with battle scenes, political intrigue, thoughts of changing the past. It flowed fairly well. I guess I will have to look at some more books by de Camp.